commit 4e9af0a6535da6389c5eb1f843623655d9591ebd
parent 9716f12b7851017ae1bc684652ca199f7d701bb2
Author: Christoph Lohmann <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 13:37:40 +0200
Add Q22023 script.
A | | | | 419 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 file changed, 419 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding=utf-8
+# © 2019-2023 Christoph Lohmann <>
+# This file is published under the terms of the GPLv3.
+import os
+import sys
+import getopt
+import codecs
+from datetime import datetime
+import operator
+topicno = 1
+# Return num of patients who have one occurence of some ebmcodes.
+def ebmcodeoccurence(container, ebmcodes):
+ occurence = 0
+ for sentence in container["sentences"]:
+ found = 0
+ for field in sentence["fields"]:
+ if field[0] == 5001:
+ if field[1] in ebmcodes:
+ if found == 0:
+ occurence += 1
+ found = 1
+ return occurence
+# Return sum of all occurences of some ebmcodes.
+def ebmcodesumoccurence(container, ebmcodes):
+ occurence = 0
+ for sentence in container["sentences"]:
+ for field in sentence["fields"]:
+ if field[0] == 5001:
+ if field[1] in ebmcodes:
+ occurence += 1
+ return occurence
+def expandcodes(codes):
+ newcodes = []
+ for code in codes:
+ if code.endswith(".-"):
+ for c in "012345678":
+ newcodes.append(code.replace("-", c))
+ else:
+ newcodes.append(code)
+ return newcodes
+def printcode(codesdb, code):
+ if code in codesdb:
+ print("%s = %d" % (code, codesdb[code]))
+ else:
+ print("%s = 0" % (code))
+def printcodes(codesdb, codes):
+ newcodes = expandcodes(codes)
+ for code in newcodes:
+ printcode(codesdb, code)
+def printcodessum(codesdb, codes):
+ codesum = 0
+ newcodes = expandcodes(codes)
+ for code in newcodes:
+ if code in codesdb:
+ codesum += codesdb[code]
+ print("%s = %d" % (newcodes, codesum))
+def sentence2dict(sentence):
+ rdict = {}
+ if not "fields" in sentence:
+ return rdict
+ for field in sentence["fields"]:
+ fstr = "%s" % (field[0])
+ if not fstr in rdict:
+ rdict[fstr] = []
+ rdict[fstr].append(field[1])
+ return rdict
+def parse_xdt(line):
+ length = int(line[:3])
+ fieldid = int(line[3:7])
+ fcontent = line[7:-2]
+ if length != len(line):
+ print("Invalid line: %s\n" % (line[:-2]))
+ return (length, fieldid, fcontent)
+def usage(app):
+ app = os.path.basename(app)
+ print("usage: %s [-h] adt.con" % (app), file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def main(args):
+ try:
+ opts, largs = getopt.getopt(args[1:], "h")
+ except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+ print(str(err))
+ usage(args[0])
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o == "-h":
+ usage(args[0])
+ else:
+ assert False, "unhandled option"
+ if len(largs) < 1:
+ usage(args[0])
+ # Aerzte
+ besa = {}
+ # Betriebsstaette
+ rvsa = {}
+ # PVS-Hersteller
+ adt0 = {}
+ begin =
+ lines = 0
+ containers = []
+ container = {}
+ sentence = {}
+ with[0], "r", "iso8859-15") as fd:
+ for line in fd:
+ (length, fieldid, fcontent) = parse_xdt(line)
+ lines += 1
+ #print((length, fieldid, fcontent))
+ if fieldid == 8000:
+ if fcontent == "con0":
+ container["name"] = fcontent
+ container["sentences"] = []
+ container["fields"] = []
+ elif fcontent == "con9":
+ if sentence != {}:
+ container["sentences"].append(sentence)
+ containers.append(container)
+ container = {}
+ sentence = {}
+ elif fcontent == "adt9":
+ if sentence != {}:
+ container["sentences"].append(sentence)
+ continue
+ elif fcontent == "kad9":
+ if sentence != {}:
+ container["sentences"].append(sentence)
+ continue
+ elif fcontent == "sad9":
+ if sentence != {}:
+ container["sentences"].append(sentence)
+ continue
+ else:
+ sentence = {}
+ sentence["name"] = fcontent
+ sentence["fields"] = []
+ container["sentences"].append(sentence)
+ # Filter out special data.
+ if sentence["name"] == "besa":
+ besa = sentence
+ elif sentence["name"] == "rvsa":
+ rvsa = sentence
+ elif sentence["name"] == "adt0":
+ adt0 = sentence
+ continue
+ else:
+ if "fields" in sentence:
+ sentence["fields"].append([fieldid,
+ fcontent])
+ else:
+ container["fields"].append([fieldid,
+ fcontent])
+ besa = sentence2dict(besa)
+ rvsa = sentence2dict(rvsa)
+ adt0 = sentence2dict(adt0)
+ ambscheine = 0
+ notfallscheine = 0
+ ueberweisungen = 0
+ belegarztscheine = 0
+ for sentence in containers[0]["sentences"]:
+ if sentence["name"] == "0101":
+ ambscheine += 1
+ elif sentence["name"] == "0104":
+ notfallscheine += 1
+ elif sentence["name"] == "0102":
+ ueberweisungen += 1
+ elif sentence["name"] == "0103":
+ belegarztscheine +=1
+ gesamtscheine = ambscheine + notfallscheine + ueberweisungen + \
+ belegarztscheine
+ # Anonymisation dictionaries.
+ # All ICD codes, multiple codes per patient.
+ icdcodes = {}
+ # ICD codes, one per patient.
+ icdcodespp = {}
+ # All EBM codes, multiple codes per patient.
+ ebmcodes = {}
+ # EBM codes, one per patient.
+ ebmcodespp = {}
+ for sentence in containers[0]["sentences"]:
+ icdcodefound = 0
+ ebmcodefound = 0
+ for field in sentence["fields"]:
+ if field[0] == 5001:
+ if field[1] in ebmcodes:
+ ebmcodes[field[1]] += 1
+ else:
+ ebmcodes[field[1]] = 1
+ if ebmcodefound == 0:
+ if field[1] in ebmcodespp:
+ ebmcodespp[field[1]] += 1
+ else:
+ ebmcodespp[field[1]] = 1
+ else:
+ ebmcodefound = 1
+ elif field[0] == 6001:
+ if field[1] in icdcodes:
+ icdcodes[field[1]] += 1
+ else:
+ icdcodes[field[1]] = 1
+ if icdcodefound == 0:
+ if field[1] in icdcodespp:
+ icdcodespp[field[1]] += 1
+ else:
+ icdcodespp[field[1]] = 1
+ else:
+ icdcodefound = 1
+ def sortdict(d):
+ return sorted(d.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1])[::-1]
+ def printtopic(topic):
+ global topicno
+ print("%d.) %s" % (topicno, topic))
+ topicno += 1
+ oicdcodes = sortdict(icdcodes)
+ oebmcodes = sortdict(ebmcodes)
+ print("SaxoForN-Datenerhebung:")
+ print("")
+ printtopic("PVS")
+ pvshersteller = None
+ if "111" in adt0:
+ if "" in adt0["111"][0]:
+ pvshersteller = "DATA VITAL"
+ print("PVS-Hersteller = %s" % (pvshersteller))
+ print("")
+ printtopic("Gesamtscheine")
+ # KBV_ITA_VGEX_Datensatzbeschreibung_KVDT.pdf#S27
+ print("amb. Scheine ..... %d" % (ambscheine))
+ print("Notfallscheine ... %d" % (notfallscheine))
+ print("Ueberweisungen ... %d" % (ueberweisungen))
+ print("Belegarztscheine . %d" % (belegarztscheine))
+ print("=========================")
+ print("Gesamtscheine .... %d" % (gesamtscheine))
+ print("")
+ printtopic("Grundpauschalen")
+ for grundpauschale in ["03001", "04001", "03002", "04002",\
+ "03003", "04003", "03004", "04004", "03005",\
+ "04005"]:
+ printcode(ebmcodespp, grundpauschale)
+ print("")
+ printtopic("Privatpatienten")
+ # Consart "P"
+ # Ziffer "1"
+ print("")
+ #printtopic("AU-Anfragen")
+ # Krankschreibung: "AU:"
+ printtopic("Anfragen Krankenkassen Muster 52")
+ printcode(ebmcodespp, "01622")
+ print("")
+ #printtopic("Einweisungen")
+ # TODO: Parse BDT.
+ # In Bemerkungsfeld:
+ # Einweisungen: "KH:"
+ # Ueberweisungen: "UE:"
+ # Krankschreibung: "AU:"
+ # Transportschein: "TA:"
+ # Laborbemerkung: "UL:"
+ #print("")
+ printtopic("COVID-19 Nachweise, PCR-Teste")
+ printcode(ebmcodespp, "88315")
+ sachsencovid19 = ["99136", "88240", "02402", "32006"]
+ print("Sachsen: %s = %d" % (sachsencovid19,\
+ ebmcodeoccurence(containers[0], sachsencovid19)))
+ hessencovid19 = ["88240", "02402"]
+ print("Hessen: %s = %d" % (hessencovid19,\
+ ebmcodeoccurence(containers[0], hessencovid19)))
+ print("")
+ printtopic("COVID-19 ICDs")
+ for covid19icd in ["U07.1", "U07.2", "U09.9", "U08.9", "U10.9", "U12.9"]:
+ printcode(icdcodes, covid19icd)
+ print("")
+ printtopic("Videosprechstunde")
+ videosprechstunde = ["01450", "40129", "40128", "01444",\
+ "01442"]
+ print("EBM-Codes: %s = %d" % (videosprechstunde,\
+ ebmcodeoccurence(containers[0],\
+ videosprechstunde)))
+ print("Bitte Videosprechstundeanbieter heraussuchen.")
+ print("")
+ printtopic("Hausbesuche")
+ arzthausbesuche = ["01410", "01411", "01412", "01413", "01415"]
+ naepahausbesuche = ["03062", "03063", "38100"]
+ impfhausbesuche = ["88323", "88324"]
+ print("Arzthaubesuche: %s = %d" % (arzthausbesuche,
+ ebmcodesumoccurence(containers[0], arzthausbesuche)))
+ print("Naepahaubesuche: %s = %d" % (naepahausbesuche,
+ ebmcodesumoccurence(containers[0], naepahausbesuche)))
+ print("Impfhausbesuche: %s = %d" % (impfhausbesuche,
+ ebmcodesumoccurence(containers[0], impfhausbesuche)))
+ print("")
+ printtopic("App auf Rezept")
+ print("")
+ printtopic("Schilddrüsenerkrankungen")
+ printcodessum(icdcodes, ["E01.0", "E01.1", "E01.2", "E04.-"])
+ printcodessum(icdcodes, ["E02"])
+ printcodessum(icdcodes, ["E03.-", "E89.0"])
+ printcodessum(icdcodes, ["E05.-"])
+ printcodessum(icdcodes, ["E06.-"])
+ printcodessum(icdcodes, ["E07.9"])
+ print("")
+ printtopic("ePA-Nutzung")
+ printcode(icdcodes, "88270")
+ print("TI-Anbindung? ja/nein")
+ print("Update auf ePA-Konnektor? ja/nein")
+ print("PVS-Modul ePA? ja/nein")
+ print("eHBA 2.0 bestellt? ja/nein")
+ print("Keine Anschaffung bisher? ja/nein")
+ print("")
+ print("Influenza-Impfungen")
+ influenza = ["89111", "89111S", "89112", "89112Y"]
+ printcodes(ebmcodes, influenza)
+ print("")
+ print("Pneumokokken-Impfung")
+ pneumokokken = ["89119", "89119R",\
+ "89120", "89120R",\
+ "89120V", "89120X"]
+ printcodes(ebmcodes, pneumokokken)
+ print("")
+ printtopic("COVID-19-Impfungen")
+ biontech = ["88331A", "88331B", "88331R",\
+ "88331G", "88331H", "88331K",\
+ "88331V", "88331W", "88331X"]
+ printcodes(ebmcodes, biontech)
+ biontechneu = ["88337A", "88337B",\
+ "88337V", "88337W",\
+ "88337G", "88337H",\
+ "88337K", "88337X"]
+ printcodes(ebmcodes, biontechneu)
+ moderna = ["88332A", "88332B", "88332R",\
+ "88332G", "88332H", "88332K",\
+ "88332V", "88332W", "88332X"]
+ printcodes(ebmcodes, moderna)
+ johnsonjohnson = ["88334", "88334R",\
+ "88334I", "88334K",\
+ "88334Y", "88334X"]
+ printcodes(ebmcodes, johnsonjohnson)
+ astrazeneca = ["88333A", "88333B", "88333R",\
+ "88333G", "88333H", "88333K",\
+ "88333V", "88333W", "88333X"]
+ printcodes(ebmcodes, astrazeneca)
+ novavax = ["88335A", "88335B",\
+ "88335V", "88335W",\
+ "88335G", "88335H",
+ "88335R", "88335K",
+ "88335X"]
+ printcodes(ebmcodes, novavax)
+ valneva = ["88336A", "88336B",\
+ "88336V", "88336W",\
+ "88336G", "88336H"]
+ printcodes(ebmcodes, valneva)
+ sanofi = ["88339A", "88339B",\
+ "88339V", "88339W",\
+ "88339G", "88339H",
+ "88339R", "88339K",
+ "88339X"]
+ printcodes(ebmcodes, valneva)
+ print("")
+ printcodes(ebmcodes, ["88125"])
+ print("")
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))